When you hear a story, do you ever think about what else was going on?

I do.

My parents would read me Bible stories at bedtime.

Afterwards, I’d relive the story, and add in the extra people who I knew had to be there.

Through those stories I met Jesus.

His merciful love has guided me ever since.

Now for a confession…I don’t really like going to church.

There. I said it.

And even though I’ve been reading my Bible regularly since I was 12, I’ve only spent a handful of years attending formal services.

Does this matter in the long term? I believe the answer is NO.

Jesus loves you and me and doesn’t condemn us.

The Bible makes it clear we are free to receive His grace, His help, His kindness…which never ends…and everything else He offers.

All you have to do is reach out and ask!

Jesus loves us whether we go to church or not.

Spend some time alone with Him to let His love become real to you. For me its always been one Bible chapter a day. Just me and Jesus.

If you don’t know where to start, try Matthew — it’s clear & easy.

Here’s a few more of my favorite things :)

Sign up here and you’ll be first to read new stories on how I imagine the Bible played out!  

Enjoy the adventure!

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